Foal Rules
2025 Spring Season
Bats MUST BE USA stamped.
The purpose of the division is to provide an introduction to the basic rules and skills of baseball. The emphasis shall be on teaching the kids how to throw, catch, hit, and run the bases. There will be no scorekeeping and no standings.
Bats & Baseballs:
- Bats must be USA stamped. “Tee Ball” stamp is OK.
- Baseballs shall be Level 1.
Weekly Events:
- There shall be one (1) weekly practice and one (1) game each Saturday.
Game Preparation:
- The Manager or a Coach MUST have the team roster and the medical release forms for all players at each game.
- The home team is responsible for setting up the field before each game – Backstop net, bases, and tee. The field will be lined by the league. The Division Director will make sure every coach is properly equipped to set-up before the games.
- The visiting team is responsible for tearing down field after the final game.
- One (1) hour time limit for all games. No new inning can start after 50 minutes of playing time. The goal is to play 2-3 innings per game.
- Coaches (not players) will place the ball on the tee.
- NHBA League will provide each player with a hat and jersey. Parents are responsible for providing baseball pants. Each team will choose what color pants to wear.
- Each player shall be permanently assigned a uniform number at the beginning of the season.
- No team shall make changes to the league issued uniforms, other than printing names on the back (optional).
- While at bat, a team shall have a batting coach, 1st base coach, and 3rd base coach.
- All the players hit off a tee. There shall be no coach or machine pitch.
Player Equipment:
- Each player will need to purchase a batting helmet, glove, and cleats. Athletic shoes are permitted in lieu of cleats. Players may elect to purchase their own bat or borrow from a teammate.
- Removed for 2025:
The names of the players shall NOT be affixed to the uniform shirt. This is done as a matter of child safety in that strangers will not be able to learn the child's name by reading the uniform shirt.
Game Play:
- All batters will come to bat each half-inning. There are no outs and there are no strikes. If a batter hits the tee before the ball, it will be deemed a foul ball and the batter will hit again.
- Balls that are hit into foul territory will be placed back onto the tee.
- Each team will reverse their batting order for each inning - The child who hits last in the first inning will hit first in the second inning.
- All baserunners will take one base at a time for every hitter. Exception is for the last hitter of the half-inning, when all runners shall be permitted to advance home.
- The defense will try to make outs, but the runner will not be removed from the base if he/she is out. This promotes teaching base running while still teaching the kids to throw the ball and make defensive plays.
- No scores/standings will be kept.
- After 5 or 6 batters, the defense will rotate. Those at infield positions will rotate to the outfield and those at outfield positions will rotate to the infield.
- There will be no catcher position in Foal.
- No stealing is permitted at any time.